Thursday, September 24, 2009


Set up a second blog specific to woodworking and that sort of stuff.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Not going to get rid of all the deep gouges I made on accident with the rasp without altering the bow, so am going to keep it that way. I put a couple coats of gun stock wax on it, and it looks great. Need to find my leather working toolkit so that I can make the handle.
Working a bit on the current bow building project. Its a bamboo backed round belly bow, with the belly made of Ipe. I am getting close to finishing it. Yesterday I did the last bit of the tillering. Had gotten most of it done last summer, then just never got around to finishing the tillering. Got the weight down to something reasonable, not sure exactly what the pull weight is since i dont have a pull scale. But I can string it and pull it back. It is a bit heavy, so I will have to work out. But it should be in enough for hunting if I ever decide to try. Got to work on the fine sanding and the finish on it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Element 3

Passed the FCC element 3 exam this morning, earning my General Class Amateur radio license.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Last night I decided to try to fix the low frequency reciever I built a while ago that wasn't working quite right. I rebuilt the whole thing on a smaller experiment board, and mounted it inside of a mint tin. Then I realized that I used a 160 microhenry choke instead of a 160 millihenry choke. That might explain why it isn't recieving anything, the choke is filtering out everything. Will have to pick up an audio transformer to use in place of the choke when I get a few dollars. That will take care of the issue I think. Then it should work well and can pick up some interesting signals.

Hopefully I can find an air dielectric variable capacitor in trees random box of parts. Want to get an HF reciever built before we go on a DXpedition. Should be fun.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Quote of the Month

Thanks M.L. for the quote of the month:
" like you really need to be running around with lightning bolts"