So last week I finally got my first R/C glider. I picked up a Dream Flight Alula. It is a simple side arm launched glider. Not a full DLG, but it is a nice step in that direction. It is all foam and carbon fiber, and went together really nicely. I put in a couple hightech servos I had kicking around, but will probably put in some good spectrum digitals once my skill with it starts to exist.
I had my first flights with it Friday at lunch. Some mishaps caused a broken nose, however that was easily repaired and a couple small strips of strapping tape now add some more support. I went out again today to the high school fields, and got a good number of flights in. I didn't manage to catch any thermals, nor was I really expecting to. However I did get some good launches in, and a few flights that I would say were even a bit graceful. This glider looks so good in the sky, because of its somewhat bird-like appearance. I also was able to figure out a few things that needed to be changed, such as some sub trim on one of the servos. I now have it set up better, with a bit of reflex dialed in, and both elevons trimmed out right.
I also painted the hatch cover gun metal gray, which looks very nice. I am thinking some bright green spray on the wingtips will add a bit more color and help with orientation. However, it flies great, and I am happy.
My night vapor did not fly so well today though. I am figuring it was the cold air being blown across the battery by the prop, since that is completely exposed. I made a small battery sock which will hopefully fix that issue. I will try that out sometime during the week hopefully.
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