Sunday, September 5, 2010

I have to say, my first few hours building the flatout foamie did not go so well a couple months ago, and I put it aside out of frustration. I must say however, after getting some little transfer pipets do apply the CA accelerator instead of the spray, things have turn out well on this project. I haven't been working on it for a few days since I needed to get cracking on the Grelmin, but I might work on it some today. I can probably do everything that doesn't involve electronics today if I feel like it. Will have to see how lazy I am.

Also thinking that I might do a Multiplex glider 'kit' for my first glider. It is foam, so will be easy to repair like the parkzone radian, but will at least get to do some building and hopefully learn a bit about glider setup before tackling a scratch built one. I am still on that steep part of the learning curve, where even fairly simple builds will teach me something new. So just need to build lots (hopefully start scratch building by the end of the year to save lots of cash) and fly a bunch more. .

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