Have to leave soon for work. But want to still get a quick post up as I am not doing many during the week. Hung out with ML over the weekend and we played around with scratch holograms. Pretty cool stuff. Fairly crazy that it works.
Other than that just working on some programming stuff. Truing to get better with openGL and the such. Need to rewrite the graphics engine for Game of life so that it uses vector buffer objects instead of the depricated immediate vertex display mode. Won't be terribly difficult, but will take a little thought. Think the easiest way is instead of changing the verticies based on the state of the board, will change the display color. The only thing is that means that each cell will actually be drawn, while right now some are and some aren't. Think that will be easier than rewriting both the vertex and color vectors each tick/cycle of the 'game'. Especially since that will involve destroying a dynamically allocated array, and creating a new one each time. With changing the colors it just means changing the contents of the color vector. Will have to see. Probably start working on that and a few other little ones after work.
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