I am really getting into the whole micro r/c thing. I don't know why but I think it is even more interesting than the giant scale models. While the level of detail is amazing in many giant scale models, I just can't get over how wonderfully the micro aircraft fly and how much engineering goes into the components. I think the other part is that they are less restrictive in the flying site that they require. I don't have to make a huge event out of flying, i can just grab a few boxes of stuff, drive 5 minutes to an empty park and tool around for a bit. The other great thing is the indoor flying aspect during the colder months.
I picked up a parkzone micro p51 mustang the other day to add to my fleet. Very impressed with it. I flew yesterday in some fairly moderate wind. It was very difficult because of the wind, but I was amazed at how well such a small aircraft handled such heavy wind. I tried before that with my Stevens Aero lilsquirt which was downed immediately because of the wind. That craft was completely uncontrollable with the gusts of wind. However the p51 just cut right through and trucked on. I have a feeling that over the coming years I am going to have a whole fleet of these micro R/C craft. Already have a couple helicopters and a couple planes. The next step will be into building the kits and scratchbuilt models that are smaller than the lilsquirt.